DVF-Bazaar-DFriedman This just in…Fashion designer, CFDA President and all around style icon Diane von Furstenberg is launching a home collection! She is collaborating with Springs Global, a worldwide supplier of bed, bath and home fashion products. The licensing deal was announced yesterday and Von Furstenberg’s collection of  home accessories, bedding, bath and tabletop items will debut in select department and better specialty stores in Spring 2011. The designer’s first foray into the world of home was in the 1970s when she partnered with Sears on a line. That program did close to $100 million in sales, according to HFN. Von Furstenberg also partnered with The Rug Company in 2006 to design a line of signature carpets. I can’t wait to see her new products when they hit the market next year! I hear the line will be very textile driven, just like her fashion collections and I’m sure it will be as chic and sophisticated as she is!


DVFRugCo3Above, Diane Von Furstenberg’s designs for The Rug Company. Top photo by Douglas Friedman for Harper’s Bazaar


  1. Ditto! So excited about that news. Love the brand can’t wait to see her home stuff.


  2. Beautiful design congratulations are a beautiful chairs and amazing sofas! Is now growing a Portuguese brand with nice sofas and a design craft, I give you the site http://www.munnadesign.com think they liked a lot to visit!

  3. Loved the rugs she did for the rug company they were amazing.Can’t wait to see the new stuff