
Do you ever feel like life is moving 1,000 miles per hour and you just can’t keep up? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately. I’m sure you’ve noticed my extended absence from the blog. It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted and I am sorry.  Just before I took my birthday vacation in August, my grandma got very sick and after spending more than a month in the hospital, sadly, she passed away on September 16th at age 86. My sweet grandmother was an amazing woman and I feel very grateful for her constant presence in my life over the past 28 years. I also feel very lucky that I was able to go home twice to visit her while she was sick and I will forever cherish those last moments that I spent with her. On top of losing my grandmother, my 9-5 has been overwhelmingly busy, requiring me to work crazy hours in addition to traveling. Between my vacation, my trips to Michigan to visit my grandmother and for her funeral and my business trips for work, I’ve been on 13 flights in the past 45 days and I haven’t spent a week straight at home in New York since the beginning of August. I was most recently in Honolulu on business and returned home just this morning on a red eye. I snapped the photo above on Friday while watching the sunset outside my hotel. I’d imagine this guy spent his whole day surfing and finally decided to retire for the evening since the sunlight was starting to fade away. Right now I feel just like he looks – exhausted. But I’m also starting to feel creative and inspired again and I plan to get back to regularly scheduled blogging this week. I have some fun house tours and other exciting posts in the works so stay tuned! Oh-I’ve also gotten VERY behind on my emails. So if you’ve emailed me at all over the past couple of months and I haven’t responded, I’m sorry! Hopefully I’ll have a chance to catch up next weekend. Glad to be back!


  1. I usually don’t comment, I “lurk” (eek, thats sounds so bad) But I was so sorry to hear about your grandmother,I have a grandmother that is terminally ill right now in Michigan and she is the same age as your grandma. So you are def in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. hi, really sorry to hear about your grandma. I’m so close with mine i can’t even imagine… I hope things calm down for you. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed. I know it’s easier said than done, but maybe you can try to do something just for yourself, like a massage or facial and just take a break. glad you’re back.

  3. I am very so to hear of your loss.
    Grandmothers are amazing links in our history, the joy , the food, the advice… it will take you through the rest of your life. Until you become the link.
    You were missed, I checked almost daily for you. I was sure whatever happened was life altering because you are so on it all the time.
    My prayers are with you!

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Mine passed away at age 84 just a few months ago so I know you must be feeling. I hope you manage to revive yourself and feel creative again soon!

  5. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know what an important part they play in our lives. Just remember to keep her memories and her spirit close in your heart.